If you’ve decided to add wicker furniture for your outdoor areas, your first option is to purchase synthetic, weatherproof wicker furniture. However, there are some reasons why you might choose not to go this route. Perhaps you don’t have the money to spend on new outdoor furniture right now. Or maybe you just prefer the authentic, handmade appearance and feel of natural wicker furniture. Some people aren’t able to tell the difference between synthetic and natural wicker furniture, but those with a fixation on detail can make the distinction. One alternative to synthetic wicker furniture is doing your best to make your natural wicker furniture resistant to water and the elements. There are several ways you can accomplish this.
First, you can apply sealants or waterproof sprays to the outside of your wicker furniture. For this, you can use diluted tung oil, polyurethane, clear lacquer, or shellac. All of these materials can protect your furniture from moisture that weakens the wicker’s fibers. You can apply them with a brush or with a spray can, but make sure you proper ventilation, as these materials can be toxic.
Applying fresh paint and varnish to your furniture can also provide an extra layer of protection. Even if you’d prefer not to change your furniture’s color, you can still apply varnish for its protective properties. Paint, varnish, and sealants won’t give complete protection, as they won’t be able to shield your furniture from massive amounts of rainfall or water, but they will make your furniture last longer against smaller bits of liquid that sneak their way into your furniture’s parts.
Since these measures won’t make anything 100% waterproof, you’ll have to do your part to protect your furniture during rainy and cold seasons. You can buy special protective covers made specifically for wicker furniture. These will give your pieces of furniture complete shielding from liquid forming on their exteriors.
However, the smartest decision would be to keep your furniture indoors when the weather isn’t agreeable. Even after taking all these preventive measures, nature can still be tough and unpredictable. Luckily, wicker furniture is generally light and easy to move, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to store all your furniture indoors.
If all this sounds like too much work, you can always save enough money for a good set of outdoor wicker furniture. This blog was submitted by Wicker Paradise, which also provides dozens of high-quality choices for your outdoor and indoor wicker furniture needs. Be sure to browse through their selection of chairs, sofas, tables and more.